Mill Park Rebelz Newsletter Summer 2016


Preparations for next season are under way.

This is the time to invite your friends and/or families to join the club. Season starts in Term 3.

If you require a new playing top, please put your order in with Narelle (0487 482 774) by the 1st June.

Merchandise orders will be taken on Monday 30th May between 4.00 – 6.00pm in the foyer.

Re-registrations and new registrations will also be taken ($60.00 deposit per child required)

We are also looking for volunteers to become Coaches and/or Team Managers.

What’s new?

We have contracted the services of Debit Success to offer a direct debit service for members who wish to go on a payment plan. You can include deposit, fees and merchandise all on the one contract.

If members do not wish to use this service, payment in full before the last grading game will be required.

Coming up next season

  • Professional action photo packages will be available and cost approximately $30.00 per child. More details to follow.
  • Annual General Meeting – we need parents/friends to become involved in the running of our club and have a say in decisions regarding your children’s chosen sporting activity.

Meetings are held monthly and everyone is welcome to attend. All positions are up for grabs. Fully supported committee with a transition into the role.

Some positions that will be definitely be available are: Treasurer, we need an extra helper with Fund raising and Merchandise.

  • Presentation Night
  • Some current committee members, coaches and/or Team Managers are looking to move on as their children are now older and no longer playing. We would love to see new people involved
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Next season is just around the corner.

Next season is just around the corner.

We have locked in our try-out dates and registration dates.

Monday 23rd and 30th May. If you were on our waiting list, these are dates you will need to attend.

More information to follow in the next few weeks.

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Whittlesea Tournament

A huge congratulations goes out to the 2 teams we had representing Mill Park REBELZ in the Whittlesea tournament.

The feedback we received from both players and parents was overwhelmingly positive.

The Under 14 boys won the Grand Final by 1 point in a nail-biting game.

Our Under 12 girls also made it to the Grand Final and proudly ended Runners Up.

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Mill Park Rebelz – We’re going to the Basketball!


We have been invited to attend a game this season at Hisense Arena (3PM tip off). We have also been given a code that will give us a 20% discount for tickets. And the best thing is no one has to collect money, you can just book yourself online.

Booking tickets is simple. Just click on the following link and enter the promo code (MUBALL21).

There is a limited amount of tickets so you want to book fast to avoid missing out!


1)      20% discount on tickets

2)      Foam hands and clappers for the kids

3)      Entertainment pre game including – jumping castle, outdoor hoops, shooting arcade games, face painting and more!

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2016 Junior Domestic Competition Dates

Please click on the link below for the 2016 Junior Domestic Competition Dates.

Junior Domestic Competition Dates 2016

The file is in PDF format and will open in a new tab.

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A successful day at Bunnings BBQ Fundraiser


RebelzfullIt was a very successful day yesterday at the Bunnings Sausage Sizzle Fundraiser. We raised a total of $1355.00 for our club. Thank-you to all our members who volunteered their time. Fantastic effort.

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We will be holding a BBQ Fundraiser at


Sunday, 18th October 2015

We are looking for parents to volunteer two hours of their time
between 10am to 4pm to assist with cooking or customer service



Please let your Team Manager know your availability for this great fundraising opportunity
by Monday 5th October 2015.

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WINTER 2016 SEASONcropped-Rebelzsmall.png

Monday 9thNovember 2015   Monday 16thNovember 2015

Court Three

4.30pm – 5.00pm:   Under 12 Girls

(Less than 12 years of age as at 30th June 2016)


5.00pm –5.30pm:   Under 14 Girls

(Less than 14 years of age as at 30th June 2016)


5.30pm –6.00pm:   Under 16 Girls

(Less than 16 years of age as at 30th June 2016)



Court Four

4.30pm – 5.00pm:   Under 12 Boys

(Less than 12 years of age as at 30th June 2016)


5.00pm – 5.30pm:   Under 14 Boys

(Less than 14 years of age as at 30th June 2016)


5.00pm – 5.30pm:   Under 16 Boys

(Less than 16 years of age as at 30th June 2016)



Court Three

4.30pm – 5.00pm:   Under 12 Girls

(Less than 12 years of age as at 30th June 2016)


5.00pm –5.30pm:   Under 14 Girls

(Less than 14 years of age as at 30th June 2016)


5.30pm –6.00pm:   Under 16 Girls

(Less than 16 years of age as at 30th June 2016)



Court Four

4.30pm – 5.00pm:   Under 12 Boys

(Less than 12 years of age as at 30th June 2016)


5.00pm – 5.30pm:   Under 14 Boys

(Less than 14 years of age as at 30th June 2016)


5.00pm – 5.30pm:   Under 16 Boys

(Less than 16 years of age as at 30th June 2016)


Monday 23rd November 2015

(if required)


Court Three

4.30pm – 5.00pm:   Under 12 Girls

(Less than 12 years of age as at 30th June 2016)


5.00pm –5.30pm:   Under 14 Girls

(Less than 14 years of age as at 30th June 2016)


5.30pm –6.00pm:   Under 16 Girls

(Less than 16 years of age as at 30th June 2016)



Court Four

4.30pm – 5.00pm:   Under 12 Boys

(Less than 12 years of age as at 30th June 2016)


5.00pm – 5.30pm:   Under 14 Boys

(Less than 14 years of age as at 30th June 2016)


5.00pm – 5.30pm:   Under 16 Boys

(Less than 16 years of age as at 30th June 2016)




Tryouts will take up half of regular training for these three weeks.Normal training sessions for the remaining half.

Any questions – please contact Aileen, John, Anthony or Sara

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Thank-you to all who attended our AGM this year. We are pleased to have some new faces on the committee and equally pleased for the continual support of existing members.

A big thank-you to Aileen and Carolyn who did an amazing job in the past. Please visit the Committee tab  for a full list of the current committee and their contact e-mail addresses.

If you have any queries or questions relating to any role or related subject, please feel free to contact them.

We look forward to great year of basketball. GO REBELZ!

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We are looking for volunteers!!!!


We are looking for volunteers!!!!


Mill Park Rebelz has now been operating for 6 years and has grown from 20 players to over 140!!  We are financially secure and have more teams than ever before!  A growing club needs a growing involvement from parents!!


We need parents/friends to become involved in the running of our club, and to have a say in decisions regarding your children’s chosen sporting activity.  We are looking for people who may have new ideas in advancing our club, and also how to invest into your children’s improvement and enjoyment in the game.  Meetings are held monthly and responsibilities (if shared around) will be minimal.  We are also looking for volunteers to become Coaches and/or Team Managers.  Full support will be given and coaching courses will be offered when available.


Our Annual General Meeting will be held on 18th August 2015 at the Mill Park Basketball Stadium, and we will be electing a new committee at this time.  Make sure you’re there to have a say.


Your kids would love you to be involved in their sport!!


If you have any queries, please approach Aileen, John or Oly.  We will be happy to give you more information.


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